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_refugee_  ·  4119 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Obligatory Influx Opinions Post

- Things move slower here, and that's okay.

    Expansion on this point: For me the appeal of Reddit was originally I could hit the front page, cull the interesting links, refresh, and something new would be there. That's not what it's like here. Things will stay up top for a week usually. Also, similar to older forums, if you comment on something, that bumps it up again. I think this is because of...
- Remember that Hubski is based on discussion.

    For me, that means that when I feel tempted to make a one-off single sentence comment, I think twice about it. It means that there are times where I leave a flip comment, go back, and immediately edit it to expand on my point and provide more. I'm not saying that's what you have to do but I think if you remember when you are commenting that the point is not to be *funny* or to be *liked* but to talk to peple, to provide something other people can then respond to, it helps foster the whole point of this website.
- AskHubski is great, but go for the deeper things.

    I have seen a million posts several places on the web about, say, "great websites to learn things." Or "great things to do in your spare time." "Where are you from?" that's not a great question. Post questions that you're asking because you don't know what the answer is. Don't post questions because you want to share your own answer. That's just my experience and my angle, again, really do whatever you want to do, but poke around.
This is a great AskHubski. (We have a lot of writers.) So is this not to toot my own horn. Check out this one because I think talking about humor and why humor works is fun. I hope those are good examples.

- halfdood has a valid point and I like it. But don't be afraid, either.

- We like to read long things.

    #goodlongread is a great tag to follow. If you think about content, I think most of us would much rather read a 3-page long article about something than a one page or 1/2 page summation.
- (And this is just my personal opinion but...) I don't think we're keen on image posts. I know I'm not.

I'm sure there's more. That's just a start. I would say, if you are thinking about posting something, see if something similar is posted first. Someone put up a "What are you listening to?" thread last night and I was like, "Dude, we have a "What have you been listening to lately?" thread that comes up every week. It's very clear when you're just coming in and trying to get some sort of "groundbreaking" post off the ground - that may or may not have been his intent - try and stick around and see how it goes first.

We have a lot of writers and creators. thenewgreen has a podcast. humanodon and I like to write poetry and louderwords does too. We have a #hubskibookclub but I don't know how successful it is because I suck at it. We had a running story going on for a while where we all contributed...and when it finally kind of flopped, we had a thread where we talked about why.

Welcome to Hubski. Mostly, we talk a lot here. Sit down and open a beer.