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b_b · 4137 days ago · link · · parent · post: Faking of scientific papers on an industrial scale in China
Yes, this seems to be a cultural problem, not just a science problem. I fear that China will never clean up its pollution problem, because if they pass new regulations, all the local goveernment officials will just take bribes, and certify that the factories in their area are complying. My friend told me a great anecdote about being in China in a city that was experiencing an uptick in illegal garbage dumping in alleyways. So the government put up "no dumping" signs every so many feet in each alley. From then on, there was no trash directly in front of the signs, but if you were to walk 20 feet one way or the other, it was the same old. Not sure if he was embellishing or not, but it's a good story nonetheless.