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hubskier for: 4417 days
I agree it is annoying, but until we can add multiple tags to a submission this might be what we're stuck with. Also, users have to ability to add another tag on to a post, but I have yet to figure that out.
So? Ignore 'em.
I'm going to be a walking computer someday. I can't wait!
Welp, I really have nothing else going for me, so I've found today's adventure. Here is the site I was talking about.
I'm not even a hobbyist anymore... kind of forgot about it all. VB.NET from a college class I took in high school and C from here.
No idea what was going on... but it was still really cool!
I hear you there... I spent upwards of $100 last time I tried playing... ended up selling the cards back for maybe $15.
Do you like the new block of Magic? I've been thinking about buying back into the game. I haven't played since Scars after starting in Ravnica.
I work part-time at a gourmet sub sandwich shop and will hopefully be on full-time by the end of the month. I would like to do a lot of things, many of which include: writing (journalism or high fantasy/sci-fi), voice acting, music (9ish years on the saxophone), and philosophy.
I'm nocturnal ;)
I still way too n00bish to go near nullsec... yikes.
There are probably a lot better things out there that I could be doing with my life, but right now all I have is a part-time job. When you played, what was your character most skilled in?
I always think it's neat when I get a tweet back from Chipotle or some other company. It feels as if I'm having a little chat with the CEO.
I picked Identity Theory, although I don't seem to recall calling it that in Philosophy 101. I've probably been indoctrinated by the youngest of the Four Horsemen of the Counter-Apocalypse, Sam Harris, and all of his talks about the brain. However, after seeing *The Secret Life of Chaos* I started changing my views more towards what mk said, Emergent Dualism WITH chaos at play in the brain.
By reading this I realized that I am hardly ever in a "quiet place." Usually I have my music blaring (especially on the road), my game turned up a lot, or there are a lot of people around me at work. The only times that I find myself in a truly quiet place are when I'm outside smoking a cigarette or when I'm walking around the house. I'm usually a quiet fellow. I rarely say a lot among strangers and customers (except when I have to), but around my friends I can be pretty talkative. Sometimes at work, I try to see how long I can go and not say a word. If I remember correctly, it was almost an hour last time I tried.