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hubskier for: 4156 days
182 million americans favor legalizing it. 182 million! (well, if it was truly 58% of 314 M) I wish they would just legalize it all at once instead of spending millions/billions fighting this fight for the next 2 decades while it slowly becomes more legal in each state. What a stupid process.
The antibiotic pipeline for gram-negative bugs is dry. Newly evolved strains of some bacteria can be resistant to nearly every antibiotic, so they are bringing back old, old antibiotics. The issue is that old antibiotics are not as good at differentiating human cells and bacterial cells, they just kill all cells, so have horrible side effects. Consider that antibiotics have been in use for only decades. Humans have invented many great antibiotics that were super effective (!), and in a mere 40 or so years, many bacteria have already evolved to be resistant to all of them? They are really amazing organisms and will keep evolving as fast as we create new antibiotics, which is not very fast any more. How do you think we will deal with this issue in another 2 decades when VRE, MRSA and other super-bugs are more prevalent?
The entire time I read this article my heart just kept sinking bit by bit. America seems to be the weird neighbor that lives down the street, and is quickly slipping down a path to a completely paranoid shut-in. Of course it is a great country, America has a history of a kind of open door policy for immigrants from nearly every country. It seems the price of admission or living here (giving up many personal freedoms, with more disappearing all of the time) is on pace to outweigh the benefits.