Ha! Thanks pal, we are having a little boy. It's funny, I know I send you and the rest of the Hubski team too many emails. I realize you probably read a third of them. This realization came after I sent an email and at the bottom wrote that we were expecting a child and got no response from anyone :) Can't say that I blame you guys. I'm pretty damned excited for this kid though. As far as I'm concerned, having a boy and a girl now means I am all set in the kid department.
I feel bad I didn't notice. Sometimes the threaded GMail doesn't lend itself to reading every message (for example, I often don't notice when a large thread is collapsed, or I don't check my email from evening until morning and I have like 20 new mails in a thread--cough...this morning...cough). Anyway, congratulations to you and your family. That's amazing!
You might want to take something for that cough… Thanks for the congratulations, we will have to have cigars in Detroit on the 14th.