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comment by lil
lil  ·  3960 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What's your favorite music to ask questions to?

It took some thought to get the joke, even after you explained it. Newbies and proto-newbies won't get it at all. But I get it. It's actually quite funny because you've combined thenewgreen's interest in music with his interest in asking questions. It's even funny and endearing that people took it seriously. The humans inhabiting the hubskiverse are so well-intentioned and genuine. I'd say they deserve badges for making an effort to play along with you, having no idea what you were up to. I wish there was a mini-badge equal to 1/8 real badge (one point of a badge) that we could dole out to people who are being kind. For example, my first reaction to rezzeJ's thought experiement was what's the point? I hate hypotheticals. (unkind) Then I saw the thoughtful-web comments and ensuing conversation and was happy for rezzeJ - that he got such a good response. I'd like to give them all points of a badge for kindness.

rezzeJ  ·  3960 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, I was really happy with the response, thanks Hubskiers. I've tried the same before in different communities and didn't get nearly as good or interesting responses. I guess my next goal is to see if I can find a premise which will interest you enough to breach your hypothesis hatred, haha.

lil  ·  3960 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Real life is full of enough real ethical problems to ponder and fret over. Like back when thenewgreen's housesitter trashed his house or when BLOB_CASTLE pondered whether to drop out of university or face more student loans.

I do however agree that thinking about your hypothetical questions does lead to interesting and valuable debate.