I have a pretty good music library (for what I prefer listening to), but would love to get into the record collecting/listening to records. Do you have any advice as to what equipment or 'things' someone just starting should have or know? Obviously I'll be doing my own research, but it would be nice to get some advice from someone that already know what they're talking about.
Well like any other hobby, it depends on your budget. This seems like a good site to answer any initial questions you might have regarding equipment. I recommend getting a reasonable setup that can be upgraded as your collection grows. You don't want to spend a ton of money on equipment, go buy 3 records, and then realize you're really not into it. Look into record cleaning and maintaining as well. This is crucial as it will prolong your equipment as well as the life of the record. Always keep in mind that record collecting is NOT convenient (as opposed to just pushing play on your iPod), it is NOT cheap (far more expensive than downloading torrents for free), No matter how good your system is or how nice the pressing is, you WILL hear clicks and pops even if the record is brand new, learn to love them. So yeah, figure out what your budget is and maybe I can suggest some equipment options. Other than that, have fun dude!
bgood79 you are much better "equipped" to answer this question. Any suggestions?