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comment by mpoe
mpoe  ·  4718 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Meme Weaver  ·  
I'm the author of "Meme Weaver." I very much appreciate the comments. Since there seems to be some dispute about what I meant in the piece (the lack of clarity is of course my fault, with one caveat you'll find below), let me try to clarify. (This may be TL;DR, sorry).

I viewed the essay as a kind of cautionary tale of the "don't bit off more than you can chew" variety. Or rather, "don't bite off something that you pretty much know you won't find very tasty" variety. I tried to suggest that I never should have agreed to write the book. I knew very well I was pitching it to get the contract, not to have an opportunity to tell the world something I had discovered through a great deal of research. As I said in the piece, I had discovered nothing at that point. And, since I'd written academic books, I knew exactly what it meant to discover something through years of research. But I wanted (or thought I wanted) to be the next Malcolm Gladwell. So I told the publishers what they wanted to hear rather than what I wanted--or even could--say. That was a mistake, the more so because I wasted a bunch of people's time.

That was my main point. I made some other points along the way. 1) That you don't need a good book to get a big book contract; what you need is a sellable idea for a book and a "platform." There's something funny about that, IMHO. 2) That the people who moved the "book" (which did not exist) from idea to contract to spiked manuscript were just doing their jobs--namely producing a kind of book that many people find a lot of value in. I was the problem, not them. 3) Finally (and apparently controversially) that there is something suspect about "big idea" books. I wasn't able to explain what I meant by this because (and here's the promised caveat) you don't get as much space as you want in a magazine like The Atlantic. That's just the way it works. (BTW, you don't get to write the title either--"Meme Weaver" wasn't my idea; in fact I was not even asked if I liked it!) But now I have a bit more space, so let me be explicit.

The trouble with "big idea" books is that they reduce very complex human phenomena to a "factor." "Guns, Germs and Steel" is an excellent example. The disposition of continents "explains" why the West came to dominate the world the same way gravity "explains" why a single apple fell from my apple tree at 4:36 pm CDT on October 12, 2011. Both "factors" (geography and gravity) may be necessary, but they are so far from sufficient that the mind boggles at any attempt to say they are. Yet this is just what most "big idea" books claim, if not always explicitly. And people buy it. I can't tell you how many smart folks have "explained" the rise of the West to me with reference to "geography."

Here's the acid test for a "big idea": could you have predicted the phenomenon retrospectively "explained" by the "big idea"? Imagine you were a little green man observing the Earth right after the emergence of Homo sapiens. Could you have confidently said "Geography is the master factor, so I know exactly what's going to happen 180,000 years from now--that little spit of land over there is going to dominate the world!" I doubt it.

And here's an interesting thing. Though GGS has a "big idea," Jared Diamond doesn't really believe it. He's a brilliant researcher and much subtler that that. I know this because I interviewed him at length. (I don't know what your policy is on self-links, but here one comes). You can find the interview (and a bunch of others) at http://newbooksinhistory.com.

Anyway, I've said too much (I warned you!). And sorry for the typos; it's late. Thanks for taking the time to read the article and to read this thread.

AhimMoonchowsen  ·  4617 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Are you working on anything at the moment? I enjoyed your writing and would like to read more. Also, don't be too hard on the title "Meme Weaver", I rather liked it.
mpoe  ·  4615 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Hi AM, Thanks for your note, and for asking. All my time these days is taken up with a project called the "New Books Network" (http://newbooksnetwork.com). It's a consortium of author-interview podcasts on specific fields/topics. I'm the editor-in-chief of the network and I host the channel "New Books in History" (http://newbooksinhistory.com). Take a look. You might find something interesting there.
thenewgreen  ·  4615 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Hey mpoe, this is thenewgreen. Newbooks is looking great. I stopped by a while back and it's gotten some much nicer clothes ;)

Would you be so kind as to add a Hubski "share" button on the site? That would certainly make it easier to share your content on Hubski. What do you think? Here's the link to the code: http://hubski.com/buttons

mpoe  ·  4614 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Hi thenewgreen, Will do! MP
thenewgreen  ·  4614 days ago  ·  link  ·  
thanks MP, that's great!
mk  ·  4718 days ago  ·  link  ·  
First off, welcome to Hubski, mpoe. It's a rare treat to have your perspective. Thanks for dopping in.

To me, what was compelling about this piece was your honesty regarding your motivations. They aren't the type you are supposed to speak of. I don't know if it was cathartic to write, but it reads like it might have been. I'm curious, what was it that you were looking for out of this big idea book? You said you had a hunger for such a book, but how so? Reputation, or what it would have enabled you to do next? Something else?

Do you have the Wikipedia manuscript? Have you considered self-publishing it? Do you find it valuable? This article is interesting, because it is really about two things, isn't it?

I've read GGS, and I think I sit somewhere between NotPhil, and kleinbl00 on this (regarding their exchange below). I might be wrong about that. To me, GGS was a book that was a bit more than a big idea, but a deliberate exercise of a theme. My feeling is that Jared Diamond doesn't buy his arguments whole-heartedly (as you mention you also believe), but that he enjoyed what came to light as he explored the topic of Western domination using a certain prism. Diamond seems to bounce along the subject in such a way that I can't help but think that he thoroughly enjoys the process. In that sense, I think GGS succeeded in many ways: it gave publishers a big idea to sell to lazy intellectual readers, but it also appealed to more critical readers that appreciate his intelligence, and are game for joining him on the trip he set out on. In fact, there was an article by Diamond posted here some a few months ago where I think it is even more evident that he doesn't really buy what he is selling, but the exercise provided good food for thought: http://hubski.com/pub?id=1852 (actually, I made a comment to this point then!). So, in this sense, I think that GGS is part big idea, and part book of ideas. I'd say that The Selfish Gene is another example of a book that frustratingly sits in both camps. I don't sense the same in Gladwell's work, btw.

At any rate. I really appreciate you expanding upon your piece in the Atlantic. And sorry about that title. :) Oh, and self links are fine. Feel free to post anything you want. The way this place works, if you don't like what someone is posting, you just don't follow them. I'll check out that interview.

thenewgreen  ·  4717 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Thanks for the clarity, it's nice to get some insight in to your intentions. If nothing else, it's good to know that you aren't the one to blame for the fact that "Meme Weaver" has been the song stuck in my head all weekend.

Curious, what was the title you would have gone with? I agree with mk that it reads as a cathartic piece and I wonder if your title would have reflected this? It may have quelled some of the dispute below. Titles are powerful things, as is evidenced by the recurring Gary Wright song in my head.

Welcome to Hubski mpoe, I look forward to seeing you around.

mpoe  ·  4716 days ago  ·  link  ·  
The title I suggested was "My Inner Marshall McLuhan," which would have been wry (I have no inner MM). But magazine editors like "clever," so we got "Meme Weaver."

BTW, someone in this thread asked what happened to the spiked book. It will forever remained unpublished. But the theoretical kernel of it germinated into a longer, more detailed, and more ambitious book that was, in fact, published. It's here:


thenewgreen  ·  4716 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Only because "My Inner Marshall McLuhan" has the advantage of not invoking this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im8uIoq1fjs I'll say it beats out "Meme Weaver". Thanks for the link.