I was rather hoping for a positive story about isolation. Not everybody who doesn't like going out is sick, afraid, or has taken some kind of a wrong turn.
Unfortunately, especially for this guy, he does seem to have reacted against the world badly rather than making a level decision. It's easy to understand his frustration - we've all been stymied, misunderstood, pressured or heckled simply for being. However I do think there's a difference between storming out of a room and deciding that you'd like to leave. The way he pinpoints small, specific events that made a disproportionate impact on him and compelled him into solitude makes me think he was more of a stormer.
I hope he gets something good out of posting his story online, but I am afraid that he might draw more of the flak he'd initially been keen to avoid.
This popped into my newfeed, and was my "coax me out of sleep mode while still in bed" read for the morning.
I feel sorry for this kid. He's definitely got some challenges socially. The moment he mentioned starting a business I knew the outcome, and it was confirmed a million words later in 'On Fire.' You can't sell things to people if you can't interact with them. You can't build things that take more than one person to build if you can't communicate without causing severe pain to yourself. I didn't see the ending coming though. It was definitely a bright sign. Accepting who you are and just being yourself is a prerequisite to happiness and functioning well with other people (business, personal relationships etc). It's totally fine to be a complete, benign weirdo. There are around 7 billion people on Earth. Plenty of them will be totally fine with you, no matter how weird you are. If I had to make a prescription that I am in no way qualified to make, I's suggest the author do exactly what he said he's going to to, -find a place where he can just be around people that share his professional interests and be his own weird self. Eventually he'll find a workable productive environment that probably contains some good working relationships and maybe even a couple personal ones at some level. I really thought this was going to be a treatise on isolation until the end though.
Given some of the recent posts here some 20 year olds might find this interesting. I confess, I skimmed. It seems authentic. It seems well-written. It seems like some of the posts I've read here.