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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  4447 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you do for a living? What would you like to do?

I work for a bank! I work in their Compliance department, which is kind of interesting. It's an ebb-and-flow sort of job, either I'm busy, or I'm not.

I actually am starting a new job in less than 2 weeks. It will be the same line of work but I think I'm going to be a ton busier. I'm a little bit nervous, frankly, because it seems a bit more hardcore than my current job - the team will be smaller, but the portfolio will be around the same size. Moreover, it's not an established program, so there will be a lot of forging new ground and new connections, having to work with people who maybe don't want to work with me (because to them, I seem essentially the same as Audit - that's a good way to explain to a layman what I do).

I'm excited, and nervous. As for what I'd like to do with my life...well, my new job looks like it's going to keep me entertained, and that's really the most I could ask for out of a job. I think I'm going to like the people I work with. Sadly I'll just miss some of the people I do work with now, but all in all it's a good move for me.

In a perfect world maybe I would be a writer :)

thenewgreen  ·  4447 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What sort of compliance?

_refugee_  ·  4446 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I work in regulatory compliance, so I deal with Federal Regulations. I work in the deposit space so things like Federal Regulation E (Electronic Funds Transfers) and such. I kind of go all over the place, so I have also worked with telemarketing regs and call center sort of things (UDAP for one).

thenewgreen  ·  4446 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Got it. An ever-changing landscape I'd imagine. Did Dodd-Frank have a big impact on your work?

_refugee_  ·  4446 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Kind of. I wouldn't say it had a direct impact, but it had an indirect impact in some ways, like because it created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which was then established as another regulatory body for banks. So now we have to deal with examiners frmo there as well as, say, the OCC.

Things do change a lot, though, you're right about that. Mostly it is more in the form of additional regulation as opposed to sweeping regulatory changes. For instance there's a new amendment or rule for Reg E that is being kicked around now which deals with remittance transfers, think basically money transfers but on an international scope. The addition hasn't been finalized but I still have to be aware of it and ready to start rolling it into our testing process (my actual job consists of testing transactions in order to ensure we're completing them in compliance with the regulations that regulate those transactions; like Audit, I look over files and ensure they were completed accurately, but unlike Audit, I only look at them from a regulatory perspective).