This is a classic "slippery slope" argument, and it doesn't hold up. The government is not violating Hobby Lobby's religious freedoms - for one thing, Hobby Lobby is a corporation, and doesn't have religious rights (don't get me started on the whole "a corporation is a person" bullshit). A corporation in this country is required to provide health insurance for its employees under Obamacare. That health insurance happens to include coverage for the morning after pill and other birth control. While I am personally against abortion, the people in charge of that company are willfully violating the law, and in my opinion, should be prosecuted. The gub'ment isn't going to come into your home and force you to buy morning after pills for your daughter. By the way, I think this is a very interesting discussion, and I would have shared your post, but I really don't like the religious conservative blog you linked. I would have rather read one of the numerous legitimate news articles about this subject instead.Would you have a problem if the federal government required you to purchase goods or services that you believe to be immoral and against your most deeply held beliefs? That is precisely what is happening to Hobby Lobby right now. If this stands, what will keep this from happening to you?
Someone on Facebook had actually posted it and that's where I saw it. If I can find another article about it, I'll change the url. Edit: I can't seem to find an unbiased article...Hobby Lobby is a corporation, and doesn't have religious rights
I think you're spot on and that should be a sufficient enough argument for Hobby Lobby to pay.
I just realized that now my original quote doesn't make sense, lol. Also, it's interesting that you can completely change the title, url and description of a submission, even after people have commented. I can see a real potential for abuse as the userbase grows larger. Create a new account, submit until something gets shared by many popular users, wait until it's at the top of the "popular" page, and then change the url to goatse and the description to "OP IS A FAG LOL!" mk, what do you think about that?
Of course, but that isn't the point. A user can have a submission reach the "front page" of hubski without having a single follower. All it would take is someone posting some big news and using a popular tag that would be seen by a user with a lot of followers. That user shares the post, which is then shared by other hubski users, until it's the most popular thread of the day (since it's big news). It could be as harmless as someone rickrolling the entire community, or it could be something more malicious like malware or shock porn. My point is that if I wanted to, I could use TOR to mask my ip, create a new account and cause some havok. If I can do it, others can do it, too. If you have a vulnerability, eventually it will be exploited. I understand if you don't want to fix something that isn't (yet) broken, but after moderating reddit for so long, holes in the rules and potential exploits like this stands out as glaring red flags to me.
Yeah, I noticed that with another thread earlier. Nothing bad was changed, but the thread took on a different meaning.