Today I learned something new about myself. I am a runner.
I've always enjoyed running but rarely indulged in it unless I had to get somewhere faster. Never running just to run.
I've always had this strong urge when I am walking somewhere to burst into a full blown sprint but never went on my impulses. I always knew that deep down inside of me I wanted to run and run and run.
The day after Christmas, my aunt went with me to a sports store to buy some running gear and bought me a month-long subscription to World Boxing Gym. All completely unexpected.
I looked forward to running the two days before today and pounded my brain for the motivation to actually suit up and go for a run.
I went for my first self-motivated run today and it was pure hell.
I walked off the lingering burning exhaustion and went home after a good mile or two of alternating running and walking.
When I finally relaxed and cooled off afterwards I found myself anticipating the next run and looking forwards to it. I wasn't put off by the pain; it made me want to work harder and harder so that I can run the annual marathon in NYC next year. The one that, this year, was canceled due to Sandy.
My desires to run strengthened and became more present when my body calmed down from the run.
I saw myself running in the future for further distances and at a faster pace. I saw myself finishing the marathon and still wanting to go longer. For once, I was at peace with myself.
That's how I knew I was a runner at heart and, from this day on, forever will be.
I am always so envious of people when I see them out running, obviously for long distances. I have the same urge as you but can not get past that initial "man this really sucks" mentality. Congrats; I am now envious of you!
It's all about habit, if you go every day, even every other day or 3 times a week, you'll eventually get over the sucks phase and into the enjoyment phase. It helps, too, to not time yourself when you go out, so you learn to run as long as you can push your body for, rather than running until a thirty minute timer is up, or you've gone X miles.
I havn't been running competitively or anything but I learned while I was in the navy that moving your body and running can make you think more clearly and feel more in touch wit everything.
It's almost as though the quickness and fleeting contact with the ground makes you more in touch with it. Sort of like an absence makes the heart grow fonder type of thing.
Congrats! I've been running competitively for the last 7 years of my life in both Track and Cross Country. I'm currently getting ready for my senior season of collegiate track. After this season I'll probably take some time off running competitively and just do it recreationally for a while before I hit the road racing scene. Running is great because it's something people with any level of fitness can pick up and get excited about. It's amazing how great going for a run can make you feel.
I'm definitely on board for getting #running going on the Hub! :-)
bliss, how is the running going? I have been running for almost 2 years now and its been the best thing I've ever done for myself. I recorded a podcast about running that was just put to video. You can watch it here. bettyspaghetti, thundara, doesntgolf and OmnomoBoreos, you might want to check it out too.
Running is magic! But it certainly does suck at first. Eventually though, if you go more than a few days without it, thats what sucks. It releases the best endorphins I've ever experienced outside of... well, you know.
I know this was a long time ago and I apologize for bringing up a dead post. The running is going great, it's been a year and I run often though life has been getting a bit rough for me lately and I haven't been able to input as many calories as I'd be burning I have taken a break. I definitely plan to get back into it along with a training regime I've created as soon as I get college going again.
I appreciate your interest! I finally got to the point where when I run I can feel the high and I get withdrawals from time to time when I think about running then think about the damage it would do to my body on this poor diet I've accumulated. I think I've finally gotten to a point where I can proudly call myself a runner.
I'm glad to hear that you are keeping at it but are self aware enough to know that it isn't a good idea to run long distances without the proper caloric intake. Good luck with that diet and with school.
It's been a very harsh winter for us in North Carolina and I recently moved but once it warms again I am going to begin training for a Half Marathon in October.
Be well Bliss!