So apparently I've been on the 'ski for 3000 days now!
3000 days ago was January 5th, 2014. Since then, I've graduated high school, and college, and am now almost halfway through a Masters' degree. I've been a mobile home park inspector and guided a large number of nursing homes through a pandemic. I've backpacked Europe for two months including a trip through a former war zone (and a minor kidnapping...). We've had the disaster presidency of Donald Trump which is now over. A pandemic has started (and increased my job opportunities post-grad greatly). There have been multiple threats of WWIII but now seemingly more convincing than ever. I've had the pleasure meeting many of you through our occasional virtual hangouts, and even veen in person. Truly a wonderful experience just two months before the pandemic hit. And through all that, Hubski has been a wonderful, positive impact and a constant in my life, even if I'm not always the most active. I've learned so much from so many of you, through articles and conversation. Thank you all for helping me grow and providing invaluable and unique life and world experiences. All of you keep being as wonderful as you are. I'm glad to be a part of this community. Here's to 3000 more days and hopefully some more fresh faces or old ones coming through now and then.
I'm only 897 hubski days older than you -- but yikes! that's almost 2.5 YEARS.
I suddenly find myself here as I provide hubski links in some of my teaching material. So happy to see that the links are alive as I once was. And every link takes us down an exciting rabbit hole, as much as it ever did.