The link http://soundcloud.com/thenewgreenmusic-com should take you to a soundcloud page that has all of the rough tracks that I plan to put on the new green's next album. I am posting them here because I love to listen to music early on in the process and hear how much it changes as it is refined and mixed.
This is essentially done minus re-tracking the vocals and adding some strings and perhaps horns.
That said, it is the mixing process that will add the most to these songs.
I have been sitting on these tracks for over a year now and I resolve to finish the album in 2013, come hell or high water.
Any feedback on the songs is much appreciated.
Cool, glad you found it. Any feedback is appreciated.
I should also mention that the soundcloud link also has 2 clearly marked cover songs that WILL NOT be on the album, and for good reason.
also, bgood79 you can download these if you need current versions.