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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  971 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: HOW THE BOBOS BROKE AMERICA

    We aren't obsessed with "fixing" education we're obsessed better performance without paying for it.

Yeah, sure, totally agree, but this is where the conservatives have been very successful at making education a wedge for the left. At least here in Michigan (which I assume is the standard play everywhere) the GOP have found very willing collaborators in the inner city in their mission to destroy the public school system. Left and Right come together and use the abject shittiness that is the Detroit school system to say, "public schools don't work." And the left is so gullible and guileless that they just go along for fear of being labeled racists for saying, "Maybe what works in Detroit isn't what's going to work literally everywhere else." So they fuck up everybody in an attempt to seem not racist and all the while the GOP is laughing their way to a privatized system, since fuck it, I don't care how bad the schools suck even in this rich white suburb, because I wouldn't dream of sending my kid there...I just want my voucher so fuck you even more.

kleinbl00  ·  971 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    And the left is so gullible and guileless that they just go along for fear of being labeled racists for saying, "Maybe what works in Detroit isn't what's going to work literally everywhere else."

LOL you're talking to someone who literally helped mix Waiting for Superman.

That said, NONE of this lands at the feet of people who went to college.

b_b  ·  971 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, the film was lauded for its production value, so I guess that's one great thing about it!