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comment by Devac
Devac  ·  919 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 27, 2021

I went for a working weekend to Szczecin, meeting half-way with folks about a paper. Everything but the commute was great, the worst personal encounter I had there wouldn't register through the Warsaw Douchebag Background Radiation. It was also cool to finally meet everyone in person, first time with some. Easily the biggest colab I've been a part of, too. There's still some stuff to iron out, though we did the heavy lifting on-site.

But the commute was murder. 13 hours each way with an unmasked crowd in a bus, two attempts at stealing my luggage (jokes on you, it's mostly maths!), shouting match with some Ukrainian wannabe-toughguy convinced that "sit by the window" means "I take both seats," and because logistics trumps logic, had stop in Wrocław. Not to scale, but it's kinda like going from New York to Atlanta through Chicago. Yeah, yeah, I know, you Americans no doubt have your stories about overnight driving a pickup you found in a lake from Oregon to Maine or some shit, but I for me this was an Odyssey.

Might expand more, but I need to go back to my office hours. Take care, everyone!

ButterflyEffect  ·  919 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Not to scale, but it's kinda like going from New York to Atlanta through Chicago.

Yikes. Conflict can be exhausting, hope you were able to recharge at/after the working weekend.

Devac  ·  919 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm mostly recharged now, thanks. My schedule is very flexible, and the lab team was more than understanding, so taking yesterday off wasn't much of a problem. I usualy feel too guilty to take much of an advantage of it, but this time it was necessary.

Though I have a past with poorly worded comparisons, hence feel compelled to stress "Not to scale" bit: Poland is only the size of New Mexico. 800 km (500 mi) each way is still a lot, but I only used those cities to sketch geometry.