This is very much me, too. On big hikes when going up I can keep up with most people, but going down they all seem to just walk away from me. I enjoyed your write-up! Congrats on the finish! I love the joviality you noted several times. I find endurance athletes to be some of the most optimistic, supportive people.I am very slow on the technical descent
It really is, but that confidence comes with practice. I was faster on the bike descents in the race than I was the first time I rode them. I've tried hiking faster, too. I used to always try to take the ideal step rather than the fastest one. It was exhausting because I'd pause constantly. I started to look at it as taking the easiest step down unless there was no safe one. I got better with it with time. I don't know that there's a way to practice muddy descents, though. I mean you can but it's still just a mud hole.