If your point is that the Tories will stoop to any low they can get away with, I couldn't agree more. I'm not sure if it's stupidity, though, because somehow they seem to get away with almost anything. Like the billions in public contracts they handed off to their unqualified pals during the pandemic; for instance somehow they declined to have medical manufacturers produce PPE, and instead hired companies with no experience in the field whatsoever (for details). Is that stupid, or just blatantly corrupt? If they win the next election (spoiler: they probably will), they not only enriched their friends and themselves, they maintained power. I don't really think they're stupid; they're cunts.
I'm firmly of the opinion that the Tories can be both stupid and evil. Evil enough to double down on the surveillance state, stupid enough to think it won't just swell the black market. I mean fundamentally, if you grip the economy too tightly it'll slip through your fingers. See: India.