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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1495 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 6.6 Million More Americans File For Unemployment As Coronavirus Keeps Economy Shut

The basic problem is that the economy for the past ten years has been based on share buybacks, rather than R&D, expansion or production. Basically, the entire economy has been frozen in time in 2007 but has increased in expense by 300%.

Yeah, if you were selling donuts no problem in January you'll be selling donuts no problem in July but all the financial hijinks between your government and your money have deteriorated. They were fragile to begin with. And this has been a real shock to all things fragile.

So the unemployment, in theory, should be fine. In practice, the places where the jobs are are in a whole 'nuther category of stress.

b_b  ·  1495 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Clearly we should have had a recession two years ago, but Trump decided to pour gasoline on the fire rather than water (tax cuts, firing the Fed chief, threatening the next one, etc) to keep the party going until, I guess, sometime after Nov 2020. My only point was that for professionals who can and are working from home, money just isn't being spent at the rate they would normally spend it, and there should be, therefore, a glut of cash for many people when all's said and done. Hopefully that will make Jane and John Doe go out and buy the crap that they put off buying for half a year, which could light the demand spark. Could be wishful thinking, but I totally agree with you that shit should and must hit the fan, financially speaking.

kleinbl00  ·  1495 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I saw a nasty chart that pointed out that the lower two deciles aren't working from home: they're either still working or no longer working. So for 40% of the people out there, things are either the same or will never be the same again.