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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1520 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 11, 2020

Felt well enough to take on the clock yesterday. Pulled the movement, de-gunked it, lubed it. Apparently you aren't supposed to oil the chime governors or else they don't govern properly and you get uneven chiming. Who knew! So I just rubbed the governor pivots down with 99% IPA because it's what I have and I already regret it because the gouging on isopropyl on Amazon is enough for me not to do any printing right now.

On the plus side, yay medical suppliers. We were able to buy an entire case of cavi-wipes yesterday. We've used three containers in three years; we now have thirteen containers because you know what? cavi-wipes dun gettin' USED up in this bitch.

Spent ten minutes talking to the neighbor yesterday, the one whose grandson came over and cut my christmas lights, who came into my house and threw my daughter's boots on his roof, the one I have the cameras for. They're moved back in despite the fact that the house on this side is still covered in Tyvek, despite the fact that their lawn is full of ladders.

The decommissioned septic tank they didn't know about (I have them upending it with a bobcat by accident on video), the sewer pipe they accidentally cut and all the rest means their contractor lost $25k on the project because it was a fixed bid. He's decided that he can't put the siding back up because it was too damaged to begin with (I believe it) so he wants another $10k to close up the house. Not only that but he didn't put an exhaust fan in the kitchen so they failed their electrical inspection so they took down the cabinets that were too tall and didn't permit a hood and ordered new cabinets and there's two sets of cabinets in the garage and they'll probably have to pay both of them. They're out of money, the contractor is out of money, they needed to take out a HELOC in order to pay the rent on the place they were in for three months ($5k a month! Jesus!) and if there's no resolution by June they'll need to apply for another permit again by which time the east side of their house will have been Tyvek and nothing else for eight months.

She doesn't work. She chain smokes and is in her mid '60s. Her adult daughter is in a wheelchair with muscular dystrophy. There are three paychecks, two disability payments and two workers paying for that household of five and they just took on an additional $250k in debt. Two of those jobs are custodial, one of those jobs is tutoring (I think).

That's the house where I worry about the knock-on effects of a coronavirus pandemic.

oyster  ·  1516 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Just saying, you use isopropyl to clean bongs so your local pot shop might have 99% as well as online retailers for a better price.