- I had a theory once that the universe gives you a free pass to get away with whatever you want when you're in high school.
I dunno, man. We opted out of a party that sounded lame only to discover that five different police agencies arrested 130 teenagers and charged them all with MIP... over four cases of Miller Lite 45 minutes up a dirt road. Granted, that was the weekend after we were at a party in Dallas where someone broke into their dad's sandwich shop, we ran from the cops, and once they discovered we weren't wanted by anyone didn't even call our parents despite being a thousand miles away from the addresses on our licenses. They did make us wait two hours while they lectured everyone in the building (including our ride) about the dangers of demon drink.
I had to pick my sister up from the police station because she and her friends decided to make a campfire at a playground. But I also successfully evaded the cops for an evening when another friend trashed a convenience store and beat the shit out of the cashier for being gay (yes, that was the last time we hung out). I think it's the luck of the draw.