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comment by kingmudsy
kingmudsy  ·  1570 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: America's Search and Rescue Is in a State of Emergency

Y'know, this made me reflect on getting hauled out of the narrow's canyon by SAR in September. Most of them were kids - I'd assumed they were there working as professional rescuers, I never realized they were just volunteers who were called together at the last minute to save some dumbass kid who jumped off of a rock.

I'm grateful for the work they did to save my tired, stupid ass. I wish they were compensated better for their time. They really rescued me.

kleinbl00  ·  1570 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Probably kids just like you.

Just sayin'. There are worse places to make friends and drinking buddies.

kingmudsy  ·  1570 days ago  ·  link  ·  

True! They kept me chatting through the whole thing, presumably because I was really chatty and they wanted to know right away if I passed out again.

Listened to the first-aid guy talk about his D&D campaign. He's playing a kobold rogue. Wish I'd gotten his name, he seemed like a kindred spirit :)