That was great. Your production is getting better with each one. When I sent you the recording, I thought: "He's going to voice me over the Beatles."
HA! Thanks mk. It's funny that I only realized that about the Beatles after the fact, it wasn't intentional. I'm curious, how many more pennies do you have to get until you complete the set? Which ones are left? Would you prefer to find them on your own or would you accept it if someone gave you one? -Seems to defeat the purpose a bit. What do you think?
I'll check and get back to you. They are in my daughter's room, and she is napping. I'm pretty sure that the ones that I need are only into the 20's now, maybe I need 20 more or so. My rule is that I have to find them, or be give them. I just can't buy them. If I did, I could probably finish it on ebay today. I'll list the ones I need in a minute. They are really difficult to find now.
Cool, I'll dig through my daughter's piggy bank and if she has one of the pennies you need I'll drop it, incognito, on your kitchen floor next time I'm over. This way you'll feel as though you found it on your own. I wonder why the 1920's are harder to find? Less cash is being used these days and pennies are far less relevant. It could prove to be an important artifact someday.