The new Big Thief album is excellent. My favourite album of the year so far. Has more of a fall feeling to it, but I'll play it this summer anyway.
Was just talking about Big Thief with my mother - she'd just encountered them at her last vinyl club (my mum is way cooler than I'll ever be). I recalled this post and realised I'd completely forgotten to listen to either of the posted tracks. We're now sitting down by the fire (it is Fall here now. You're right, very appropriate for the season) going through the whole album. 3 songs in and very much enjoying it.
American Routes this week was exceptionally wonderful. I think I saw fletcher say he's into Americana music, so for him and anyone else who is, this radio series is right up your guys' alley. I don't know why, but as far as ear worms are concerned, the song "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" is stuck in my head.
I've been listening to Illuminati Hotties a lot recently... cant link because im at school but listen to Kiss Yr frenemys.
I've been listening to Lenningrad. Oooppps sorry, I guess my links don't work yet as I am new here.