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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1922 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Different Lens. Interesting idea.

Not shown are the:

- talent coordinators setting up the interviews

- film crew shooting the interviews

- journalists shooting the footage

Really, the program is a "roll your own iMovie" whereby it does the mechanical stuff of transitions and edits. I'm a big fan of the presentation - I think this is a great way to get people involved in the subject they wish to learn about - but it's not going to replace newsgathering. Rather, it will give audiences a greater investment in the material they want to learn about, for better or worse.

goobster  ·  1922 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Right. Absolutely. But what this does is completely blur the lines between legitimate news gathering, and high-school student collage. Joe Viewer doesn't know that it was cobbled together by a 14-year old with unidentified motivations and intentions.

As the dataset gets more populated with more content snippets, I can see it encouraging easy (wrong) arguments - eugenics, intelligent design, etc.

Hard stuff is hard for a reason. It may be counterintuitive, or require more than a rudimentary understanding of weather patterns, or logarithmic scales, or p-values.

This tool - like Twitter - can only lower the level of conversation to the least common denominator because the source material is easy snippets, not deep think-pieces that delve into the interesting bits of complex topics.

That's my "disconcerting" thought.

kleinbl00  ·  1922 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Things get a little sideways when you recognize that the "author" is building themselves a narrative out of "all available facts" that happen to be curated by a provider with an unknown and undemonstrated bias.