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comment by Quatrarius
Quatrarius  ·  2127 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Breaking: entertainment industry promotes unhealthy views of minority group

i understand perfectly well that it makes far more sense to avoid controversial things when you're trying to appeal to a lot of people - it's still unpleasant to have your existence be something that's brushed over / something that's just an inconvenience for normal people

it takes a long time to make something socially acceptable - i see no reason to give up if the alternative is being viewed as a freak, regardless of any backlash or tolerance-exhaustion it provokes in people

movie people are easy to pick on, though - it's not like it's the only kind of workplace where people get harassed

either people care about actors more or journalists find it easier to write articles about them when it comes to discrimination

kleinbl00  ·  2127 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Movie people are the easiest to pick on. After all, our morals aren't your own, we lead decadent lives, and therefore the social failings of society aren't society's fault, they're Hollywood's.

Nobody got an MFA from Cal Arts so they could shoot Toddlers in Tiaras. But that's what people want to watch, so that's what gets shot. And it doesn't matter that we had a transgender contestant on one of my shows four years ago, and it doesn't matter that Walter Carlos became Wendy more than 40 years ago without anybody saying anything - the reason the public is still generally uncomfortable around transgender people no matter how hard they try is because Hollywood isn't normalizing things fast enough.

Actors are shameless self-promoters. They have to be. Actors with a grievance? That's literally every actor.

Quatrarius  ·  2127 days ago  ·  link  ·  

i was talking about "normalizing things" in general, not in an industry-specific way

that was the second point of my comment