Common Sense Still Exists
Especially for the mentally ill - agreed! I support universal background checks, and checking into those persons who have behavioral/mental issues. THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE GUNS! The shooting in Florida was not really about guns, but about a failure of the system to stop this nutcase from having a gun. However, with knife attacks lately, should we outlaw knives? Should we also outlaw trucks? What about dynamite? There was a man, at the turn of the 20th century and in objection to property taxes, used a truck full of dynamite to blow up a Michigan school and kill about 45 people: teachers and children? Maybe we should outlaw fists, so the people like MS13 cannot beat someone to death. Why not baseball bats; they can kill you? The point is that a personal sense of the value of individual life is the best safeguard to the abuse of any type of weapon or act of aggression with any tool. If I really value your life, I will not beat you to death for your Nike tennis shoes.