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comment by kleinbl00

I just searched for "uber" and "kleinbl00" and got 13 pages of results. Also, I joined 2300 days ago. Holy shit.

Anyway. We are of like minds on our fine friends at Uber.

user-inactivated  ·  2332 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm actually surprised that list isn't longer. Between them using a hidden feature on their apps, Greyball I think it's called, that basically makes them say "Well, we got in trouble for ignoring municipal laws so now we're gonna ignore them even harder by trucking on and trying to not get caught" to them shrugging off background checks to man, I don't even remember them all.

Crazy is the only way I can describe it. If you haven't, you should seriously read about the whole "Greyball" thing. It'll blow your mind.

Also, six years is a good, long time. I'm glad you're here. :)

Edit: Daaamn. Just searching "Uber" on Hubski without any filters brings up even more crummy stuff. Like I said, I'm only surprised that I'm not really surprised anymore.