"A satire on entertainment shows our insatiable thirst for distraction set in a sarcastic version of a future reality. In this world, everyone must cycle on exercise bikes, arranged in cells, in order to power their surroundings and generate currency for themselves called Merits. Everyone is dressed in a grey tracksuit and has a "doppel", a virtual avatar that people can customise with clothes, for a fee of merits. Everyday activities are constantly interrupted by advertisements that cannot be skipped or ignored without financial penalty. Obese people are considered to be second-class citizens, and work either as cleaners around the machines (where they receive verbal abuse) or are humiliated on game shows. "
All of this reminds me of the future as shown in the movie WALL-E except the fat people ruled supreme in their future.
They mentioned that Cliff Notes are not available and that the teachers are thorough enough to ensure they actually read the book. Cool idea, huh?