Tribalism is real and when everyone surrounding you is looking around in horror, the natural assumption is to assume the lions are coming. My social graph leans heavily liberal (surprise surprise!) but there are holdouts. What's been interesting is watching the Trump supporters in the aftermath; there's been zero celebration and a lot of cautious "guys... guys? I mean, things just didn't go your way... why are you so upset? There are two viable choices here and the other one was preferred... why are you all panicking?" I have a friend who writes for a big magazine who shared that four months ago she met a man who told her she was the first real-life Hillary supporter he'd ever met and he'd been living in Philly for four years. And that's why you get things like this new California secession movement. Granted - I'm a middle-aged white male in the bluest of blue states and am more insulated from the shocks this will generate than anybody I know. My personal stakes are low and we're extremely well-hedged; based on my positioning my family actually stands to benefit greatly from North American Chaos(TM). But I'm still kind of shocked myself by how much less impactful this election feels to me personally than the 2004 rout of Kerry felt. I suspect it's because I've been plumbing the depths of cynicism for more than a decade.
I hated GWB and everyone who voted for him, but I didn't see him as a threat to me or anyone I knew. Trump will probably cause less misery globally, because GWB set the bar for shitting on the rest of the world high, but it looks like we're going to be paying for the tantrum our neighbors threw at the voting booth ourselves so he looks like more of a personal threat to me even if I think he'll have a lower body count. Out here in redneckistan, I am finding it more difficult to empathize with the people around me than journalists writing thinkpieces about them do.
My opinion is evolving by the hour. I know this, though - they've already disappeared the muslim ban.
I would argue that he's more open to social pressures than anyone that has ever held the office... but only time will tell. I would further argue that it is this openness to social pressures that makes people conflate 3am tweetstorms with failures of judgement.
I just got done listening to an NPR bit about him and taxes, where after it was explained to him that his original tax plan would involve 12 trillion in tax cuts, he revised it and walked that number back to 4-6 trillion in tax cuts depending on how the wind blows. Anecdotal, but it's something else that shows he might be open to advice.
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