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That might be the saddest thing I've heard all week. Are we talking raw or cooked tomatoes? The acidity of a cooked tomato can make them a little much in certain dishes, but an heirloom, garden-fresh tomato is freaking phenomenal. I look forward to them all spring while they're growing in the backyard.
If that's the saddest thing you've heard all week you must be having a damn good week! Seriously though, I can't say what mt aversion is to tomatoes beyond that I really don't like the texture. I'm not going to try to defend myself, because I know its silly; its just the way I am.
thenewgreen · 4616 days ago · link ·
When I was a boy my cousin had his birthday party at McDonalds. I never liked their cheeseburgers because I didn't like onions much. I asked my aunt for nuggets instead. When she said "no" to the nuggets I asked for a burger without onions. She said no and plopped an onion filled burger in front of me. When I refused to eat it she forced me to. To this day I cannot eat raw onions. Cooked ones I can at least handle but any raw onion on a burger or anything else is disgusting to me. Like you, I know it's silly but I just can't do it. I guess what I'm saying is that while I love Tomato's, I completely understand.
Your aunt might have been doing you a favor:
thenewgreen · 4615 days ago · link ·
Warning would be nice. If I never see that damned image again it will be too soon.
I do miss me some nuggets though... I know that they're disgusting but they're o' so delicious too.
I actually thought it could be a texture thing. You probably don't like oysters, mushrooms, or things like that either I assume. So for you, taste has little to do with it.
I have a hyper-sense of smell (and taste) so as a kid I was put off by a few things that had a strong odor or taste. But now as an adult, I'll eat dang near anything if it's prepared well--and I'll take the Pepsi challenge any day.