I bought a bag of 40 pairs of headphones for $40. I keep them at the shop and if someone is listening to their device to loudly I say something along the lines of "Pardon me, it appears you forgot to bring your headphones, luckily I can sell you a functional pair for $1." They either turn their shit off (Trump Speech, race car video or whatever other loud as fuck thing they were listening too) before I have to stab them with something or they give me a buck. I've been using these shitty head phones when ever I misplace mine or forget them somewhere. They suck but they get the job done. I can hear my podcast on the walk home and all I really care about is content not fidelity. Other people lose their minds over shitty fidelity and could never stand to listen to it but I don't mind all that much, or it's better than nothing.