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comment by oyster
oyster  ·  2973 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Advertisers want you to hate being single. Don’t buy in.

I'm sorry if I'm sour to people because of shit going on in my life that has nothing to do with them I won't be upset they were a little rude to me when calling me out. That's because ultimately I am responsible for my actions no matter what's going on in my life. Everything you told me here is a reason I can be understanding but not a reason I'm going to feel bad for calling you out. I sincerely hope things in your life start to look up and that you do something like take a bubble bath to decompress.

kleinbl00  ·  2973 days ago  ·  link  ·  

But dude - you're still doing a shitty job of calling me out. The fact remains: "cis"anything is not an inclusive word. It's a word designed to exclude me. And I'm not being sour to people - I'm making a statement and then you decided to jump down my neck. In effect, you're saying "I don't want to acknowledge your argument, how 'bout I take it personal?" In effect, I said "the argument still stands, if you wanna take it personal I happen to have ammo today. Your move." Your response?

"I'm not going to feel bad for calling you out."

This discussion we're having is you "putting it out there" that "straight" means the same thing as "cisgender." It doesn't, though, and it doesn't have the same context. My acknowledging that the context is different isn't me needing "a bubble bath" it's me arguing that the "inclusive" language used is exclusive of normative gender alignments when not used comparatively.

You took it ad hominem, it didn't work, and here we are. The argument still stands: "cisgender" is a term used to counterbalance transgender discussion. Outside of transgender discussion it's exclusionary.

I sincerely hope you'll address my arguments, rather than attempting to change the subject through ham-handed attempts at pathos rhetoric.

oyster  ·  2973 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Honestly, I just don't believe that's what you meant with your original post. I think you just don't like the word because that's exactly what your original post suggested. Except you don't want to say that now so you took somebody elses opinion and are pretending it was what you meant the whole time. I'm not arguing with that person because they actually had a good point. So obviously when you pretend their point was yours I'm not going to argue against it.

I'm saying you should decompress because in a few days of being on the internet I've managed to know there was likely something wrong in your life. That should probably raise some questions about how you conduct yourself under stress.

kleinbl00  ·  2973 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And now you're lecturing me rather than addressing my point, while also accusing me of duplicity.