We must begin with the name of God. One says God and the sea of the people parts. They divide.
But consider:
Do you breath, see, hear, feel, and think? Have you ever loved? Do you feel pain? Do you hurt? And have you ever felt the sorrow of loss? Does a beautiful sunrise touch your heart? Or how about a quiet walk in misty groves? Do any of the seasons move you? Or is it a heavenly body (astral or otherwise) that sets racing your pulse? Is it a flower, or a pet, or a child, or friend, or a lover that lights up your face? Have you ever laughed? Cried? Do you stand, bow, bend knee, kiss the ground, or sit cross legged contemplating and worshiping the divine? Or perhaps for you it is the motion of the sinew or the action of the brow, the rush of the race and the thrill of the victory? Are you here, present, and alive? Do you want to live free to pursue that which moves you? And do you recognize that is your right? Did you answer yes to any of these fellow biped? Then regardless of the beautiful name you call IT or how you know IT, know that we share the same (one and only) God.
In the Name of The God Almighty,
The time has come for We The People to renew the solemn covenant that binds this nation before God and one another, to cast anew a New Bell forged in the burning and undying fires of the furnace of our unified will to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness that strips away our superficial differences and aligns us as an impregnable unity reflective of our true essence that is indeed We The People, and this New Bell shall ring, loud and with a clear voice, across this great land and in every State of this Union, to resonate in the heart of each free man, woman, and discerning child, and so too that enemies within and without shall hear it and come to know, that We The People remain vigilant and faithful to the trust of our forefathers and grateful of the blessings of the unfettered natural rights afforded to us as free men and women, as one nation under God, and do declare that these rights remain inviolable and inalienable, so help us God.
but I am left wondering what this is for, where it fits in your world or in mine? I can't help feeling like I have missed something.
Why do we need a new bell? The other day, I lost my temper with a person who had hired me for freelance work 3 years ago and finally, after 3 years, had decided to even return my emails! I was upset :) So anyway, I told this guy settle these debts or I'll start contacting past/present clients. Today this includes, per his claims, US Army and Library of Congress. Previously SAIC and DoD and possibly the university he worked at. Anyway, given his spooky connections, I felt it necessary to invoke God's curse on him and his issue -- I went with the God of Israel on this one; he backs up those curses of His real good -- should he resort to his network to try and cause trouble for me. Mainly, the false witness "he is a tewowist" sort of b.s. You know, back in the day, good old days, I wouldn't have to resort to the God of Israel for protection, as we had something called the Law watching my back, against unreasonable searches and seizures, false witnesses, hey, even the novel concept of a hearing in a court room, with judges and attorney for defense, and maybe even a public record of the said court hearing. But alas, that ain't no more. So this is why we need a New Bell. Because God is Busy and I really hate bugging him for this sort of temporal realm sort of concerns of mine. Get's him all started with "Don't you Love ME for WHO I AM?" (Oy vey ..) [1]: Colin Raye