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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3165 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: February 15th: What are you reading this week?

Boy that looks cheerful. And I say that, still cranking through Biohazard.

The new Turkle book is a good read, but if you're only gonna do one, do Alone Together. There's more original research, more in-depth stuff, and more original thought; Reclaiming Conversation is basically "When last I wrote, I said we were fucked. Well, guess what? We're still fucked. Also, my editor told me to end on an up note so... I guess the kids are getting sick of Facebook?"

veen  ·  3165 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I read Alone Together somewhere last year. While she had a lot of interesting insights, most of the ideas in the book seemed like something I already knew intuitively but hadn't articulated in such a way before. She is after all talking about my generation [cue The Who].

    Also, my editor told me to end on an up note

Snyder missed that memo. In his conclusions, he argues that it is not unlikely that something like the Holocaust happens again and wonders what geopolitical conflicts are likely to generate similar circumstances that could lead to a mass ethnologic genocide.

But it's a great book. I reccomend it, and b_b does too so I'm not the only one who liked it.