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comment by nowaypablo

Ahoy, it should be noted he wasn't on the boat, and that the port authority directed them to anchor there. Paul Allen is no scrooge, and although one can argue that it means nothing for a multi-billionaire to do this, he is member to Bill Gate's pledge of giving over half of his wealth to charitable causes. Mostly tech/med, but also heavily climate/environment.

According to reddit there's some yet-to-be-proven conspiracy that this is being done more and more frequently by the Cayman port authority for $$$.

When I'm rich, I'm straight-up buying a jungle or something and letting that shit thrive so I know at least one financially able person isn't brutally assaulting the Earth.

WanderingEng  ·  3008 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The now deceased Doug Tompkins was doing just that in Patagonia, apparently with some local controversy/conspiracy theories.

I have a fantasy of retiring in Adirondack Park and willing my property to either the state or a local conservancy.

nowaypablo  ·  3008 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Man, that's awesome. And that's a great, actually realistic idea. I wonder how trustworthy and reliable our own federal conservation departments have been over the last decade, or at any point since T. Roosevelt.