My cat didn't die. I had an appointment to put him to sleep on Monday but he rallied over the weekend. He's eating about 3 table spoons of food a day and drinking a bit of water. I don't think he'll last too long but who knows...
The wife was rushing to take him to a vet appointment last week and took a tumble down the stairs. Nothing broken but she is on crutches and is various shades of black and blue. Fuck January. Scares me a bit that February is usually the worst month of the year.
That all being said, when I count my blessings things are still looking good.
Guy who won a bunch of medal's at the big coffee tasting this year came into cold sell me on his coffee. He saw who I'm carrying and said "I was going to try and sell you my coffee but Joel is one of my main inspirations to start roasting. I know you don't want to change roasters..." We drank coffee and shot the shit for a half hour.
Cgod my parents' (and by virtue, my) older cat is having serious Kidney problems at the moment. Stage 3 of 4 of whatever she has ( I was at work when she had the vet appointment). It feels so weird to have this 16 year relation with her suddenly put in jeopardy - She always seemed immortal and invincible.
Thoughts with you.