America's Test Kitchen is great at consistency, terrible at... flavor. Their stuff is pretty much the median of everything you could care to eat, which means they excel at pretty much nothing. That said, I've never tried that cookbook. I've just made a few of their recipes and found myself underwhelmed. That's... amazing. Where the hell are you?The supermarket near me doesn't stock tofu
Good to know, Moosewood's got a cute aesthetic to it that I know would appeal to certain people I know. Edge of Cambridge, MA. It's a big chain, too, and I swear I looked all over. I don't really want to make the walk to Whole Foods, and I'm fairly content with making whey, legumes, and beans my primary protein sources.America's Test Kitchen is great at consistency, terrible at... flavor.
That's... amazing. Where the hell are you?
Weird. Ask next time. It's probably in with the dairy and cheese, but might be somewhere as bizarre as the "fresh salad dressing" or deli or something. I'm not a big proponent of tofu, but check it: 1 pkg silken tofu - soft to medium 1 pkg chocolate chips, the darker the better 1 shot amaretto, gran marnier or kahlua 1) melt chocolate chips in microwave etc 2) put silken tofu in blender 3) add melted chocolate chips and shot of liqueur 4) let set for like half an hour highest-protein, best-for-you, most delicious, easiest chocolate mousse you've ever had.