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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  3081 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Land of Maybe (the "friend zone" of sales)

Lol, when I say "no" I mean fuck off and if you say one more thing I'll hang up or show you the door like I said goodbye.

If I say maybe I mean show me in writing and I'll look it over and make up my mind without the bullshit sales double talk.

I say yes when I can try a service with no contract or get a product free for not only me to try but my customers as well.

thenewgreen  ·  3081 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't sell to small businesses that would say "fuck off." -though I once did. When someone says "no," to me it's followed with clarification, ie: "we liked the performance of the software but we aren't convinced that it's worth a 20% premium." Or "no, you competitor doesn't require a maintenance contract, so we are going with them." Etc.

Point is, the "no," comes after at least 3-4 high level meetings and therefore they feel, rightly so, that I'm owed justification for their decision. Now, I can attempt to turn the no around tackling the objections they've provided or I can accept that it's just not a good fit, both of these things happen.

Sometimes a maybe is just a maybe and means they need more time or don't yet have enough data to make the decision. However, more often than not, it is someone kicking the can down the road because they have an objection they haven't told you about. youd be shocked how many people so this.

Trust me, a "no," is better.