Yep, running is just awful. Though this view is probably shapedbby the fact that my body is not made for running.
It in fact sucks at even walking. Or standing. I have walked way to mush on thia vacation, and well... Now my hips hurt. Ugh. And my painkillers are in Sweden.
However I've biked like 5 miles each day and theb spent the day creativly diving into the water and swimming.
My body is built for swimming.
And laying in bed. It's really good at that to.
I'm currently sitting on my couch. I want to get up and go to bed but my legs are so tight and sore from running that I am putting it off. I made a podcast/video with steve a while back titled, "Running Sucks." Check it out: eightbitsamurai:
I used to do orienteering when I was younger and I did enjoy running then. I enjoy running to things, but it varies on what mood I'm in and since my certain kind of madness is a fuckin' clockwork I can basically say that I enjoy running to things in summer and around Christmas/new-year and am a slow little zombie in fall/early spring.
Yay for predictably!