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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  3272 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I Was a Proud Non-Breeder. Then I Changed My Mind.

    - how it feels when they grow up and leave home, linked to you only tangentially and you know this is what they have to do

I get insanely excited think of my kid as an independent actor someday. I look at it as my job to give her some of the tools she might need. Hopefully mental flexibility (ideas, ethics the ability to imagine other points of view), A love of learning, the ability to swim, and good manners will see her through her darkest hours.

    - how it feels for a parent when your child's heart is broken for the first time

I hope my wife is ready to field this one because I don't think I have any idea what to do. I'm really good when people lose loved ones, hope it transfers to broken hearts.

    - how it feels for a parent to totally accept your child's choices and life because you know that they will only hear what you say nondefensively when they feel accepted.

Never happen. I'll always love the sinner and hate the sin. I also know people make mistakes and that my judgement is often mistaken. At least I think I won't beat her over the head with it like my parents did to me.

lil  ·  3272 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It is wonderful to read your thoughtful comments first thing this spring morning. I'll return to this over the day and respond when possible.