I think "write a paper" is an entirely appropriate response for hijinks. "We'll show you, you little malcontent! Have more education!" It also likely taught you the important lesson about never bragging about malfeasance. I also think that this is exactly the sort of flier the ACLU needs to take to pick back a little at Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier. "Felony hacking" for reading a teacher's password is pretty much the proportionality doctrine in a nutshell.
Yeah, it's become my school's stock response to shenanigans, and it's kinda hilarious. One of my friends "stole a taco" (it was sitting, unmarked, on a table in the hallway; he ate it) and after he refused to apologize they made him write a paper about the value of respect. Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier is one of my least favorite SCOTUS cases of the last century. I wish the ACLU would fight it with something like this.