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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3689 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Fabulous Return of the Vinyl Record.

Well, I've spent the entire morning listening to other people's music choices and I gotta say -


For the record:

Shostakovich, Stravinsky, all things Russian:

My mother is a classical violist. I grew up with wall-to-wall Russian composers. I love me some Mussorgsky (much better when it isn't Emerson, Lake and Palmer), love me some Stravinsky (Firebird is a fave), love me nearly everything Russian. I oughtta pick up some Shostakovich 'cuz I don't own any; my wife isn't fond of the Russians 'cuz they're a little too "mathy" but I think they're great.

Charles Ives:

Pleasant enough, but not particularly memorable. I shall marinate in it further. iTunes is great for this.


Pioneer or no, he's got that "I'm just fucking around with synthesizers" vibe which was pretty cool back when nobody had ever seen a synth before but I kinda feel those guys were assed out the minute Walter Carlos got on the scene. Hell, the Barrons kinda shut the Ligeti school down as far as I'm concerned:

The Ligeti school is also well-represented amongst Kyma users. It's just too easy to do things that aren't musical when your stuff doesn't lend itself to music.


Awesome. Have heard before, will hear again.


Everything I hate about Philip Glass, I hate about Boulez.


The rivetheads have been worshipping Stockhausen for 30 years. I've never gotten into it, but I probably should. Ensturzende Neubauten owes a lot to the guy; I have a hard time listening to a lot of Neubauten, though.

Wanna see something awesome?

Know why it's awesome?

'cuz it's 4 solid minutes of '70s era Laurie Spiegel in a tween summer blockbuster.

coffeesp00ns  ·  3689 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This might or might not be up your alley, but I totally forgot to include some Musique Concrète:

Pierre Schaeffer:

And speaking of schaeffers, there's also R. Murray Schaeffer, who sometimes writes not just for instrumentalists, but also the environment - allowing nature to interact with the musicians, or placing the musicians around a lake to take advantage of the natural reverb and echoes

Steve Reich is another composer you might dig, if you've never heard.

I wasn't sure if you were looking for earlier stuff, so I kept to the last 100 years-ish.

kleinbl00  ·  3684 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The Musique Concrete guys are a little amusical for my tastes, but I appreciate what they do.

So I typed "steve Reich" into my iTunes to see what comes up - I have a bunch of ambient weirdness from backintheday that I bought in bulk and I don't always know what it is. One song came up:

By damn.

    The song also uses a harmonica sample from Ennio Morricone's The Man With The Harmonica (from the film Once Upon a Time in the West) and parts of Electric Counterpoint, a piece for multitracked guitars composed by Steve Reich and recorded by Pat Metheny. Reich was "genuinely flattered"[8] by The Orb's use of his work and instructed his record company not to sue.
kleinbl00  ·  3689 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think I own some Steve Reich. Ironically enough, I'm going through and transferring my iTunes library and discovered I have a 4 disk Ligeti box set.

I'll give this stuff a listen tomorrow. Right now, baby to bed and dinner. Thanks.