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comment by iammyownrushmore
iammyownrushmore  ·  3391 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 21, 2015

Man, I love the use of the drums in the score of Birdman, it just fills those scenes with so much energy, so I need to hurry up and watch Whiplash already.

Is there anything you've been sleeping on?

nowaypablo  ·  3391 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Is there anything you've been sleeping on?

That's a very funny expression. If you liked Whiplash, you are hereby obligated to watch Clint Eastwood's Bird. It's different, but it's powerful.

But like, when I say obligated, I mean, seriously you don't have a choice, watch it or you'll be sleeping on something sharp. D:<

iammyownrushmore  ·  3390 days ago  ·  link  ·  

watch yourself, boy, or blowback is on the horizon. And a blood feud over film viewership just ends in tears.

But as long as we're doing this, you are now obligated to watch either Andrei Rublev or Barry Lyndon

nowaypablo  ·  3390 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Deal. We'll reconvene in two weeks tops!

iammyownrushmore  ·  3369 days ago  ·  link  ·  


I watched Whiplash. It was good, but erratic in effect. Some parts were majestic, but the characterization was underwhelming, which is the central focus of the film, and some of the writing choices were incredibly juvenile.

However, it definitely kept me on edge, and the hard bop tempo of the film made the searing drama burn like I was covered in paper cuts. I think the editing was fucking perfect, and easily the best feature, and this is a case study of what editing can do for a film, especially one as terribly written as this, but with good acting and camera work to redeem it. It reminded me of Alien in that it perfectly maintains one searing and caustic tone throughout and never let that note falter.

I would love to have had Andrew's relationship with his girlfriend mirror or supplement his relationship with Fletcher. The internal dialogue and masochism and it's toying with the recipe for greatness left so much go unsaid, that, most of the time, nothing got said. For instance, the sole refutation of Fletcher's methodology is one line: "You don't think, like, maybe sometimes you can go too far?" and that's hardly complex. Also, I got annoyed with the amateur treatment of "jazz-like" idioms and phrases that seem more akin to a 70s porno that tosses words like "cat" in to imply that "yes, these are, in fact, jazz people. Now here's something completely different"

The fucking energy, though, I am definitely so glad to see it carried over so well and translated trough a camera lens. Hard bop is one of my favorite styles of jazz, and has a lot of focus on percussion and jazz drummers are a special species that walk this earth, and this film definitely captured that.

nowaypablo  ·  3366 days ago  ·  link  ·  

With shame, I confess. You're a better man than I, and a man of your word.

Out of respect, I will watch both Rublev and Lyndon tomorrow, with a response by the end of the night, or may eightbitsamurai send my Hubskina character to the depths of Hellski.

iammyownrushmore  ·  3366 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You should check out how long those are first, tho. It's gonna be a slog.

iammyownrushmore  ·  3390 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Lemme know if you need access to Rublev, it can be a bit hard to find, but it's available for the next week on Fandor and I have an account I can send invites from.