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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3566 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 31, 2014

My last McDonalds was when they came out with the new/different nuggets (the last time) - I was still living with my ex so it was probably the spring of 2010.

My last Taco Bell was later than that but still, thankfully, no more recently than 2012.

I think as a West Coaster you are woefully unaware of Wawas, but they have revolutionized my life. It also is not hard to eat relatively healthily, worries about the effect of mass processed food aside, at Wawa as long as you are able to make the right choices. Sometimes I'm bad, sometimes I'm good, but I'll take a Wawa over any other fast food any day. I appreciate at least knowing the option to not eat "terribly" is available at the food stop of my choice, whether or not I take it.

I almost got McDonalds the other night starving and stuck in very bad traffic with an hour ahead of me, but I opted out. I was ravenous when I finally arrived - that persistent hunger that doesn't abate, carbonated drinks filling your stomach and all nicotine sails to the wind regardless.

kleinbl00  ·  3566 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I recognize the Wawas logo. I think we didn't go there a few times when we spent the Worst Christmas Ever in and around Baltimore.