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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  4748 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The girl in the window
What goes through your mind if you're one of the police officers? That must be incredibly surreal to step into an environment like that.

Obviously the kid is irrevocably damaged, but the brain is resilient and dynamic. It sounds like with good care and engagement she can at least have some happiness. Good thing there's people like her adoptive parents out there.

thenewgreen  ·  4748 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I agree its a very interesting read. I found this anecdote extremely interesting, "It's said that during the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick II gave a group of infants to some nuns. He told them to take care of the children but never to speak to them. He believed the babies would eventually reveal the true language of God. Instead, they died from the lack of interaction.

From wikipedia: In the Language deprivation experiment young infants were raised without human interaction in an attempt to determine if there was a natural language that they might demonstrate once their voices matured. It is claimed he was seeking to discover what language would have been imparted unto Adam and Eve by God. In his Chronicles Salimbene wrote that Frederick bade "foster-mothers and nurses to suckle and bathe and wash the children, but in no ways to prattle or speak with them; for he would have learnt whether they would speak the Hebrew language (which had been the first), or Greek, or Latin, or Arabic, or perchance the tongue of their parents of whom they had been born. But he laboured in vain, for the children could not live without clappings of the hands, and gestures, and gladness of countenance, and blandishments."

As for what goes through your mind if you are one of the officers?... good question. The response to her saying "I'm doing your best" was Your best sucks, My guess is that he wanted to say MUCH more and held his tongue.

Anyone that is willing to put in the time and effort to adopt an older child that has been so severely abused is a saint. Pure and simple.