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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  3432 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Umano | Listen to Today's Top Stories Read to you by real people

It looks like they have more now: https://umano.me/readers

    Hungry voice actors, who never get any opportunities for consistent work, sent the team 50 demoes a day, Mendiola said

That's funny. I had never thought about that. It seems like almost all of them are using the site for self-promo too. Probably a pretty good gig, actually.

kleinbl00  ·  3432 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It can be a super plum gig. My cousin was the voice of Jenny Craig in the era before Kristie Alley became the face of Jenny Craig. a couple dozen :30s for radio and TV and she was pushing six figures a year.

It can also be a miserable, miserable grind. The majority of the available work is local used car promos.

I've done voiceover professionally, but just a couple times. Working in sound in Hollywood people tend to encourage you. Then you go to an actual voiceover thing and discover that everybody there is one of those annoying people that bursts into accents at weird moments, just like you, and you realize that it's a really annoying habit that you should drop.

I looked into pursuing it. For some reason, voiceover was just too much. It pushed me too far into that flakey pursuing-every-possible-avenue-of-fame thing that Angelinos do, particularly in and around Hollywood. Screenwriter/mixer/voiceover actor was one too many slashes.