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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  3792 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Goodbye Hubski, Thanks for Trying

I agree with you 100%. I tried not to revise my comment too much (notice how it's way too long) after I looked into his specific grievances more closely. One reason is because it accurately reflects how I initially felt and what I immediately thought when I saw his post and there is something to that. Another reason is because the comment gets increasingly mean and snippy as I wrote it and I don't want you all to think I'm a mean person! I'm good! I swear!

I try to take a good, hard, objective look (try!) at Hubski every once in a while because I don't want to miss something that was blatantly obvious to everyone except us long time, acclimated, kick ass Hubski users. Once you "get" Hubski, you tend to stick around for a long time and love it. It's easy to miss things. When I see things like this, I assume that it is worth listening to. Maybe asking things like, "do they have a point? is that how non-Hubski users generally see it? Are new users scared away by the people? or the global feed? are we accidentally exclusionary to all people, or just dimwits? Can we do anything to change that? Is is worth changing? Why? Is there any validity to their point? Is there a common point being brought up again and again? "

I looked deeply at this post, went back through the others, checked a couple things, and surprise! they're all dead fucking wrong.

Just kidding.

They are have different problems and issues with Hubski and there are very few common elements between them all. Some seem to be caused by lack of interest in change (i like where I am even though I bitch about it constantly), not being motivated to change (aww but I already got my bookbars bar set up...), or needing to be sold to on what Hubski can provide them rather than checking it out themselves. Some seem to be seeking attention, some are obviously people like to be cool and hate on everything, some seem to be too hipster for Hubski (it's been around for more than a year...Imma do Ello...that shit is so fresh I'll be the oldest Elllo user soon!) and others not hipster enough (I only do things that are cool before they are cool once brooklynveganpapstdrinker.com tells me they're cool...or not cool..wait...). One common one is a better mobile experience (we're working on it! keep your pants on!).

But yeah. Not going to start catering to this type of stuff or changing things because of one or even two users grievances.

Also, to any random readers of this thread who are doing research for your own ragequit post, please don't do it. Don't be that asshole. And certainly don't say that you don't want to be that asshole and go and be that asshole anyways. That's silly. Message me. I'll give you a full length comment as a personal mail message to you. Poor chatter readers don't want to sift through my shit anymore.