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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3484 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Grubski Challenge #3 Carnivores (post your submissions here)

Alright, so I have no right winning this challenge as I didn't prepare anything I've not made many times before, I took one really crappy photo and it wasn't even of the food plated. Here it is:

I marinated some beef tri-tip in soy sauce and fresh ginger. I marinated the Chicken in the same thing. I grilled the meat along with some chorizo. I also took some ground beef and added taco seasoning and cooked it. -Simple stuff as far as the meats go.

Not pictured: I used the yogurt sauce I made for the last challenge that ghostoffuffle steered me towards as a sort of chimichuri sauce for the beef. I made black beans, spanish rice, fresh guacamole (also from last challenge) and put out salsa, sour cream, cheese, hard taco shells and tortillas. We had 6 people over for dinner. I made margaritas, side cars and white spiders to drink.

It was such a good time that I forgot to take any photos. But yeah, lots of meat. I now have so many leftovers that I'll be eating tacos for a week.

_refugee_  ·  3483 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You were just like "meat meat meat." Nice.