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comment by freezerdust
freezerdust  ·  4777 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A necessary change in policy
I actually come here as an alternative to reddit not because of this type of thing, but because I think the website's content is rapidly declining in quality.

kleinbl00  ·  4777 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I put a lot of my life into Reddit. I came here because, well, while I was willing to put a lot of time into Reddit for no reward, I wasn't interested in putting a lot of time into Reddit to be punished.

I've ventured back lately. What I've noticed is that commenting on Reddit makes me angry and jumpy for hours afterward. It's a deeply confrontational place.

The first time I visited Reddit I was shocked by what a nasty place it was. Then I adapted to it. I got good at "Redditing." Which means it turned me into a nasty mutherfucker. Thing is, so's everybody else so you get so you don't notice it any more.

I enjoy not being so nasty. It's taking me time and I still relapse, but I'm all about any place where conversations can be rewarding without being confrontational.

khaaan  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
because the people that frequent it have no jobs or have no friends or have issues and use it to vent their frustrations when really what they need is to go outside and get a hobby or do exercise or deal with their issues or get a job or anything that doesn't involve sitting behind a keyboard hating anyone who comes into their focus.
kleinbl00  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Presume that were true. What would make Reddit different from anywhere else?

I think it has more to do with Reddit's efficiency of pushing "cream" to the top when "cream" means "anything people feel passionately about." When Reddit was smaller, that "cream" tended to represent the values of bookish, erudite computer programmers. It now represents a broad swath of humanity, which means the things that are the most appealing are the things that are the broadest - base emotions.

Reddit pushes "happy" very hard. However, it also pushes "outrage." My first 3 digit comment was a pure vitriolic spew of hatred - it got 600 upvotes, back when 600 upvotes was unheard of. Most of the rest of them weren't - but Reddit has definitely been appealing to a broader, baser audience for quite a while now.

TheHast  ·  4777 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I think that just comes with the large influx of new users, particularly highschoolers. Reddit has entered the eternal September.
khaaan  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
how will hubuski prevent this from happening?
TheHast  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I'm not really sure it can. You can prolong the time before it dies by trying your best to keep it underground-ish. I think reddit's downfall started with the death of Digg. Digg had a huge user base that left for reddit almost all at once. At that point reddit's community shot through the roof and then kept growing. It's not Digg's huge user base that killed reddit, but rather Digg had already started the eternal September (aka full of stupid kids) and when Digg dumped it's user base on reddit, it took the kids with it.

Basically try your best to keep this site relatively small. I don't think we should do anything drastic like making the site 18, mainly because it would have the same effect of making porn sites 18. Plus, don't forget that not everyone under 18 is a dumbass, I'm 17 and have been around a pretty long time.

kleinbl00  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
There's no way to downvote anything on Hubski.
freezerdust  ·  4777 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Your completely correct. I noticed that memes are almost common knowledge amongst teens due to sites like 9gag, memebase and reddit. They kind of blew in he past few months.
AnSionnachRua  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
As someone who was active on Reddit four or five years back, I can tell you that the slip toward cheap and easily-digestible material has been occurring since, well, four or five years back.

It's just another one of the reasons I like Hubski, and why I'm against seeing certain types of content here.

kleinbl00  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
That's where I remember your name from. I'm coming up on 4 years myself. Shit... tomorrow.
TheHast  ·  4776 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I've noticed that a ton of people of my highschool lurk reddit. This is a very recent event (maybe in the last 2-3 months). If you talk to them about the threads they read, they'll tell you that they only browse reddit because of the funny pictures. On one hand, this is pretty dumb because they are leaving themselves out of any meaningful conversation, but on the other I'm glad they are leaving themselves out of any meaningful conversation because I can't think that they would contribute positively. The day reddit dies for good is when these lurkers stop lurking and post their own meaningless content.
rozap  ·  4777 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I completely agree, and it's a shame. Both sides of the argument disgusted me. On one hand you had people posting nasty shit in those subs, and then on the other hand you had the white knights from SA and SRS parading around on their high horses. All of them contribute to the decline in quality, and as of late it's really gotten so bad that even being subscribed to smaller subreddits can't even get you away from the internet drama that inevitably occurs all over the place. It's like a reality TV show...just complete garbage.